Get Involved

How To Be Involved:

There are four major ways to get involved with OwlThon at FAU. You can get involved by being: a Dancer, Fundraiser, Delegate, or Captain.


Students who wish to dance will register as part of their organization’s team on Donor Drive. When registering, make sure to select the “dancer” option and pay the $15 registration fee which covers the entrance to the marathon, a t-shirt, food, and access to the events during the 13.1 hours. Throughout the year, dancers are encouraged to fundraise as much for the cause as they can. There will be opportunities to receive incentives throughout the year as well. Dancers must raise $110 by the night prior to the marathon in order to be eligible to dance.


For those who are unable to fully commit to becoming a dancer, fundraising is for you! All you have to do is create an online fundraising page on Donor Drive, as a member of your organization’s team, and fundraise as much as you can throughout the year. Fundraisers do not attend the 13.1 hour marathon in March 2019 as a dancer, but are still eligible for some incentives year-round.


A delegate is the representative from an organization participating in OwlThon, whose primary responsibility is to convey information to the members of their organization and motivate them to make a difference in the lives of kids at Shands Children’s Hospital. Delegates are the live heartbeat of OwlThon and we are extremely thankful for the hard work and passion they dedicate for the kids.


Captains work directly with members of the executive board to help plan and execute OwlThon’s events and campaigns throughout the year behind the scenes. There are many different types of captains and ways to get involved as an OwlThon captain. Captains will be responsible for attending biweekly meetings to remain informed. Serving as a captain is a great stepping stone for becoming a member of the Executive Board. For more information about OwlThon’s Captains Program, keep an eye out on our social media for the release of 2021 applications!