DM Terminology

Dance Marathon: A 12-40 hour event (the dance marathon) where students stay on their feet through dancing, games and entertainment in symbolic support of children served by their local CMN Hospital.

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals: an international non-profit organization that raises funds for children’s hospital, medical research and community awareness of children’s health issues

Miracle Children and Their Families: the children (0-12), teens (13-18) and families who benefit from OwlThon

Comma club: Comma Club is awarded to those fundraisers that reach a “comma” – $1,000!

Dancer: an awesome individual who stands for 13.1 hours to raise money for Miracle Children. Join the movement here.

Circle of Hope – A ceremony at the end of OwlThon  where everyone gathers into a circle – “The Circle of Hope.” The Miracle Children come out and cut off your miracle band that you were given at the beginning of the event. The miracle band represents the burden that each and every one of our Miracle Children live with on a day-to-day basis.

Line Dance: A choreographed dance that participants learn at the marathon and perform throughout the event.